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Energy in motion, that’s what our emotions are. When I’m feeling really BIG emotions like sadness, anger, depression, etc. I need a way to express them in a healthy way. My old self or my younger self didn’t know how to do that. I used to punch walls until my hands hurt and the pain from my hands would “wake me up” or bring me out of my big negative emotion to reality. The pain would take me from whatever I was feeling into sadness. I noticed at a young age that after I cried myself to sleep that I always felt better when I woke up. So crying & sleeping have always been my ways that I self soothe.

Now days, after experience enough painful emotions and learning how to use my voice to communicate how I feel instead of suppressing how I feel, I have tools in my self love tool box that I can use to be protective in my own emotional awareness. I added my emotions to my daily routine, just like I have work scheduled in and time with my kids, cleaning, I added time to spend with myself and allowing myself to let go of emotions that no longer serve me. Thank you for coming and allowing me to experience you, but it’s time for you to leave! 🙏🏼 It’s really important to keep the flow of emotions going and to gravitate more towards emotions that feel good. 🥰 Every emotion serves a purpose, but just like the relationships we have in our lives, we also have relationships with our emotions. So it’s up to you and me to be aware of which emotions are living inside of our bodies and to let go of the ones that don’t feel good or the ones that no longer are serving us and to keep the ones that feel good and help us grow!

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